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Please note this product may have been discontinued
If you find yourself reaching for fast food to keep you fueled during gaming marathons, Self Revive offers the perfect alternative; providing a boost of protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals, without unwanted calories - all packed into two delicious flavours, Chocolate Chip and Cereal Milk. Self Revive is a meal replacement product, and so is ideal for gamers looking to create a calorie-deficit, while still getting a super quick and convenient meal. We've created Self Revive specifically for esport athletes and hardcore gamers, who spend hours grinding their game, and don't want the trouble of having to prepare a full meal inbetween games. With Self Revive, you can just pop a scoop into your Command shaker, add water, shake, and enjoy. Please note that, since this is a Meal Replacement Product, Self Revive does contain sugar - for our sugar free products, check out our nootropic tubs and cans.